Shah Rukh Khan, one of the biggest movie stars in the world, had a fanboy moment himself when legendary Malayalam actor Mohanlal grooved to the song Zinda Banda from SRK’s Jawan at an awards show, recently. The video went viral and the banter between the superstars that followed captured the internet’s attention. A note of praise and thanks from SRK to Mohanlal soon extended into plans for a meal together. While SRK suggested dinner, Mohanlal came up with the idea of breakfast too. Now, King Khan has taken things one step further and asked: “Done sir. Your place or mine?” To this, Mohanlal – who is known to be passionate about cooking – said: “Would love to host you at mine.” Needless to say, fans are thrilled to see the icons bonding over work and making dinner plans.
Would love to host you at mine.
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) April 23, 2024
Speaking for all of us, one fan said: “And hope you both sign a movie together as well.”
and hope you both sign a movie together as well ????
— sohom (@AwaaraHoon) April 23, 2024
One user said: “Two kings together finally,” with heart-eye and fire emojis.
Two Kings together finally ????????
— King ???? (@TheKingAnkit) April 23, 2024
“Lalettan has spoken, and Kerala is waiting to welcome the King of Bollywood,” said another fan. For the unversed, Mohanlal is often referred to as “Lalettan” by fans, with ettan being the Malayalam word for older brother.
Lalettan has spoken, and Kerala is waiting to welcome the King of Bollywood❤️❤️
— Abhishek (@iam_a_r) April 23, 2024
“You both can’t be behaving this cute yaar,” a fan gushed.
You both can’t be behaving this cute yaar ????♥️????????
— Usha Vavveti✨ (@VavvetiUsha) April 23, 2024
This super-fun conversation between the stars started when a fan page shared a video of Mohanlal dancing to Zinda Banda at an award show in Kochi. Re-sharing the video, SRK wrote: “Thank you, Mohanlal sir, for making this song the most special for me now. Wish I had done it half as good as you. Love you sir and waiting for dinner at home as and when. You are the OG Zinda Banda.”
Thank u @Mohanlal sir for making this song the most special for me now. Wish I had done it half as good as you. Love u sir and waiting for dinner at home as and when. You are the OG Zinda Banda!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) April 23, 2024
In response, Mohanlal wrote: “Dear Shah Rukh Khan, nobody can do it like you! You are and always will be the OG Zinda Banda in your classic, inimitable style. Thanks for your kind words. Also, just dinner? Why not groove to some Zinda Banda over breakfast, too?” and thus began the dinner plans.
Dear @iamsrk, nobody can do it like you! You are and always will be the OG Zinda Banda in your classic, inimitable style. Thanks for your kind words.
Also, just dinner? Why not groove to some Zinda Banda over breakfast, too?
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) April 23, 2024
Jawan, directed by Atlee, is one of Bollywood’s biggest hits ever and also featured big names such as Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi and Deepika Padukone. It is one of the three films in 2023 that marked SRK’s phenomenal comeback on the big screen. Meanwhile, Mohanlal opened the year with a critical and commercial success, Neru.