It would not be an overstatement to say that Rani Mukerji and Kajol are among the biggest names in Bollywood. The actresses, who also happen to be cousins, shared screen space in Karan Johar’s directorial debut, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. But there was a time when things got sour between the two families. Fortunately, these issues have now been resolved, and the cousins are back on good terms. In a recent conversation with Galatta Plus, Rani addressed the feud, stating, “I think family is one thing that stays with you. So, it is important that the world sees you as one. Differences happen everywhere, but if there is no reason for differences then why should differences happen? So, in this case, it was exactly that. There was no reason. It just happened because of miscommunication and no communication.”

In the same interview, a video message from Kajol‘s sister, actress Tanishaa Mukerji, was also played. Tanishaa can be heard saying, “What do I say? My dearest Rani. We have such an unusual relationship. We were so close when we were kids. We were the youngest with all the cousins and all the siblings. So whenever I came to my father’s house, he would take me to Rani and Raja’s (Rani Mukerji’s brother) house. We met Rani and Raja more than we met anybody else because we used to play on the beach. And literally every time I went to Rani’s house, Raja and Kajal would be like this gang and Rani and I would be kept separately. We were not allowed all their secrets. We were not allowed to play with them. We were not allowed to do anything with them. So, she and I kind of, by default, we just bonded so amazingly.”

Tanishaa Mukerji continued, “It went on through University till she (Rani Mukerji) was in SNDT and then I went off to Australia (to) study. And she became an actress. And actually, when Rani was pregnant, I just felt that I can not have her have a baby and that baby don’t know me. I really felt that. I felt that so strong, so deep within me. I felt that this is my sister as well. This is my cousin and she is going to have a baby. I don’t know what it is but I just feel like when you see another generation coming, aisa lagta hai ki hame ek dusre ki zindagi me hona chahiye kyuki family is family at the end of the day. And jaise ek behan ek behan ko jaanti hai koi aur nahi jaanta. Aur jo behno ka rishta hota hai na, vo bahut hi special hai. Aur abhi to mai phone uthaake aise chilaati hu, jaise mera janam din bhul gayi. [I don’t know what it is, but I just feel that when you see another generation coming, it feels like we should be a part of each other’s lives because family is family at the end of the day. Just like a sister knows another sister, no one else does. And the bond between sisters is very special. And now I just pick up my phone and shout at her, like I did the other day when she forgot my birthday.] Thank you haan, Rani.”

Extending her birthday wishes to Rani Mukerji, Tanisha Mukerji added, “BTW I am wishing you right now, on your birthday. Happy birthday, my gorgeous. I wish you all the joy, happiness, love, laughter that life can give you always. And you know, it comes from the heart.” FYI: Rani Mukerji turned 46 on March 21.

Rani Mukerji and Kajol also addressed the family feud on Koffee With Karan Season 8. Read all about it here.

On the professional front, Rani Mukerji was last seen in Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway.

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