Celebrity designer Manish Malhotra, who is set to make his big Bollywood debut as a producer with upcoming film Bun Tikki, hosted a wrap party at his house last night. The bash was attended by some of the biggest names in the film fraternity including Bun Tikki’s lead cast – Zeenat Aman and Shabana Azmi and Abhay Deol. Veteran actresses Zeenat Aman and Shabana Azmi, who have collaborated earlier in the 1982 film Ashanti, will be sharing the screen once again in Bun Tikki directed by Faraz Arif Ansari. The two were seen posing together at the party last night while looking absolutely stunning in black.

Take a look at their picture from last night:

In another picture, Zeenat Aman and Shabana Azmi were seen posing with the party host and producer Manish Malhotra.

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Shabana Azmi’s plus one at the party was her husband Javed Akhtar.

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Actor Abhay Deol, who will also be seen playing a significant role in the film, attended the bash at Manish Malhotra’s house in a jacket and jeans.

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Others stars attending the wrap party included Nushrratt Bharuccha, who made heads turn in a black and white outfit and Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani star Anjali Anand, who looked lovely in a red dress.

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Last year, Zeenat Aman treated her fans to her character Sitara Jaan’s look in Bun Tikki. The actress was draped in a powder blue saree that featured white polka dots. In her caption, the 72-year-old actress expressed how the role had reignited her love for sarees. She wrote, “The weather was cold but the atmosphere was warm this past week in Shimla. I’ve been shooting for ‘Bun Tikki’ and it is a sheer pleasure to work with such a gracious cast and crew. Long hours, interesting role, mountain views, beautiful costumes… life really can come full circle it seems. I was doing just this in my twenties! Here’s a glimpse of the elegant Sitara jaan, a character who, amongst other things, has rekindled my love for saris.”

Take a look at her post below:

Bun Tikki marks actress Zeenat Aman’s comeback to the big screen. 

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