Stanford University lecturer Matt Abrahams, a communication expert, has offered valuable advice for introverts looking to gain influence in the workplace.
According to Stanford University lecturer Matt Abrahams, introverts can bolster their influence in the workplace by actively engaging with their audience, meticulously observing, conducting research, and reflecting on their interactions.
While extroverts may seem to have a natural advantage in today’s outspoken and assertive work environment, Abrahams suggests introverts can focus on engaging specific colleagues, clients, or bosses-their “audience”-rather t than attending every social event.
The key lies in understanding your audience’s needs.
“The biggest mistake people make in their communication is that they don’t focus on the needs of the audience,” Abrahams tells CNBC Make It. “Attention is the most precious commodity we have in the world today. If I’m not tailoring my message to you, you’re not going to pay attention to it.”
You have three basic methods at your disposal for figuring out what’s important to your audience, he notes: reconnaissance, reflection, and research.
“That’s the only way to make [your work] relevant,” says Abrahams. “You need to know your audience. You have to talk to them, listen to them, observe them… You have to learn what’s important to people, then tailor your message to them.”
Abrahams recommends observing, listening to, and learning what matters to your audience. By understanding their priorities, introverts can craft targeted communication that resonates and builds influence.
Extroverted environments with constant interaction can be draining for introverts, requiring them to recharge with alone time. Introverts are often stereotyped as shy or antisocial, which can hinder their leadership potential or contributions to brainstorming sessions.