It seems like Janhvi Kapoor is having a good hair day. On Thursday (April 18), Janhvi Kapoor chose to brighten up our screens with her no-makeup look. Janhvi Kapoor shared a selfie on her Instagram handle and gave a glimpse of her gorgeous tresses. The actress can be seen wearing a white oversized T-shirt. Sharing the photo, she wrote, “Pls roze aise achhe hair days de do. shubh baal diwas. (Please give good hair days like this every day. Happy hair day).” Needless to say, Janhvi Kapoor‘s fresh-faced selfie and no makeup received a lot of love from fans. Several fans dropped red heart and heart-eye emoticons.

Makeup artist Nishi Singh wrote, “You always look perfect… not aaj only.” A fan commented, “Whatever you wear and what your mood…you look perfectly beautiful.” While an Instagram user commented, “Day by Day you are transforming and becoming more beautiful stylish and elegant,” another comment read, “Janhvi, you are having a hair-licious day lol.” Yet another one wrote, “No makeup look + beautiful healthy hair = perfect you.”

Take a look at the post here.

On Wednesday, Janhvi Kapoor dropped the teaser of her upcoming film Ulajh. In the clip, Jahnvi essays the role of an IFS officer who is determined to seek revenge on those who betrayed her and her country. Sharing the teaser on her Instagram, the Mili actress wrote, “Enter the world of lies, deceit and betrayals- #Ulajh in cinemas on the 5th of July.”

The film is directed by National Award winner Sudhanshu Saria and also stars Gulshan Devaiah, Roshan Mathew, Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, Sachin Khedekar, Rajendra Gupta and Jitendra Joshi in key roles.

Produced by Junglee Pictures, the film depicts the journey of a young IFS officer, belonging to a family of patriots. The project is written by Parveez Shaikh and Sudhanshu Saria, with dialogues by Atika Chohan.

Janhvi Kapoor will also be seen in Mr And Mrs Mahi alongside Rajkummar Rao. The film will hit theatres on May 31.

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