Priyanka Chopra showered praise in the comments section of the recent photo shared by her husband Nick Jonas from his concert in Sao Paulo, proving she is his biggest cheerleader. Nick, on Wednesday, shared a couple of pictures from the Jonas Brothers concert in Sao Paulo. He wrote a caption that read, “A beautiful crowd in Sao Paulo last night. Thank you Brazil We love you!” In the pictures, the singer looks dapper in his casual outfit.

As soon as Nick posted these photos on his Instagram account, the Barfi actor commented with a fire emoji. Meanwhile, Priyanka announced her new film in collaboration with the production team of Barry Avrich’s new feature documentary Born Hungry as a producer. Priyanka treated fans with this exciting news by sharing an article with a note. Priyanka and her production company Purple Pebble Pictures banner have joined Barry Avrich’s new feature documentary.

The note said, “Aligning with stories and filmmakers that have the ability to move the audience by having a unique point of view is what we always look for at @purplepebblepictures. @barryavrich22’s new feature documentary, Born Hungry is exactly that.” Priyanka added, “I was so moved by Sash’s incredible story of resilience and determination, and also that it is an amazing rendition of an extremely sensitive story, it was a no-brainer for us to collaborate. We cannot wait to share this story with you.”

According to Deadline, Born Hungry is a gritty drama about a young Indian boy who finds himself abandoned by his family, lost on trains and thousands of miles from home. Celebrity chef Sash Simpson, who was eventually adopted by a Canadian couple after surviving on the streets of Chennai alone and eating out of trash cans, is now returning to India with only hazy memories in an attempt to locate his family.

Priyanka and Mary Rohlich, Head of TV and Film at Purple Pebble Pictures, will serve as producers. Born Hungry premiered at the Palm Springs International Film Festival 2024 and will screen at the Hot Docs Film Festival in Toronto on April 26.

Not only that, she lent her voice to Disneynature’s upcoming film Tiger. The movie will be released on Disney Hotstar and it revolves around understanding the intricacies of the intriguing world of one of our planet’s most loved creatures.

On the Bollywood front, she will be seen in Farhan Akhtar’s next directorial Jee Le Zaraa alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt. However, no update has been provided on the film since the announcement was made a couple of years ago.

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