Neha Dhupia‘s recent Instagram post is no less than a star-studded affair. On Sunday, the star visited Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai to watch the IPL match between Chennai Super Kings and Mumbai Indians. And who accompanied her? Her husband, actor Angad Bedi, along with Kareena Kapoor and John Abraham. The star shared a series of photos and videos, giving us a sneak peek into her “very own highlights from last evening!” In the first frame, we see the girls enjoying the match, while John and Angad gaze at the camera. Next, there’s a fun video with Kareena applying lipstick, followed by Neha saying, “We’re here at the match, and I want to show you the highlights.” Pointing at Kareena, Neha continues, “Highlights.” Well played, Neha, well played.

The subsequent slide features CSK captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni playing on the field. Then, there’s another video of the squad enjoying the match. Towards the end, we witness Neha and Angad setting relationship goals in a photo, accompanied by some more shots of the evening. 

In her caption, Neha Dhupia wrote, “My very own #highlights from last evening!” She also gave a shout-out to Kareena Kapoor’s latest film Crew by writing, “Love the sport … loved the energy … loved our #crew.” Responding to the post, Saba Pataudi posted a red heart and face with tears of joy emoji.

Check out Neha Dhupia’s post below:

Looks like Neha Dhupia had a great weekend. Before going to this match, Neha and her family went to Diljit Dosanjh‘s concert on Saturday. Not only did they enjoy his musical performance but also met the star backstage. In a video shared on her Instagram timeline, we can spot Diljit hugging Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi. The singer-actor also lovingly greets their kids Mehr and Guriq. FYI: Diljit and Angad shared screen space in the 2018 film Soorma.

Towards the end of the video, the couple can be seen dancing while their kids are sitting on their shoulders. Did we hear family goals? The text at the top of the video reads, “We are living our Diljit Dosanjh era.”

Watch the video below:

On the work front, Neha Dhupia was last seen in the 2022 film A Thursday.

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