Hyderabad: The Telangana government has approved a budget of Rs 190.82 crore for the implementation of minority welfare schemes for the financial year 2024-25. Special Secretary for Minority Welfare, Tafseer Iqbal, issued GO.RT.45, facilitating the execution of various initiatives.
The government has allocated Rs 1.37 crore for the training and employment scheme for minority candidates. Out of this, Rs 1.02 crore has been released, with an additional Rs 34.25 lakh pending.
For the Minority Finance Corporation, Rs 36.66 crore was earmarked for the bank-linked subsidy scheme, with Rs 27.50 crore already disbursed. Another Rs 9.16 crore is still to be released. Additionally, Rs 25 crore has been allocated for various schemes under the Minority Finance Corporation.
The government has also released Rs 55 lakh for minority government hostels. Additionally, Rs 17.70 crore has been provided for scholarships for minority students, and Rs 59 crore for the fee reimbursement scheme.
The Minorities Study Circle received Rs 62.5 lakh, while Rs 29.50 crore was allocated for the overseas scholarship scheme. Dairatul Ma’arifil Osmania was granted Rs 50 lakh, the Urdu Academy received Rs 29.25 lakh, and the Waqf Tribunal was given Rs 5.01 lakh.
The Waqf Board has been allocated Rs 29.87 crore for the honorarium scheme for imams and muezzins, with an additional Rs 8.62 crore to be released. The Waqf Survey Commission received a budget of Rs 4.6 lakh.
The Centre for Educational Development of Minorities (CEDM) was allocated Rs 66.67 lakh, with Rs 50 lakh already released.
Rs 62.5 lakh was released for the maintenance of Makkah Masjid and Shahi Masjid.
In total, the government has released Rs 190.82 crore in the first quarter, with an additional Rs 63.60 crore pending for future release.
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