Akshay Kumar and newcomer Veer Pahariya‘s upcoming film Sky Force is set to release on January 24, coinciding with the Republic Day weekend. In the movie, they star as Air Force pilots. The film has already garnered significant interest, with advance bookings starting strong.
Within just three hours of tickets being made available, the movie had already sold over 18,375 tickets in Hindi and the advance booking figures had reached Rs 40 lakh for its opening day.
In terms of advance ticket sales, the Hindi 2D version of Sky Force has grossed Rs 1,47,78,511.38 from 62,938 tickets sold, with an average ticket price (ATP) of Rs 226. Additionally, the film has sold 1,792 tickets for its IMAX 2D format, grossing Rs 6,37,670 with an ATP of Rs 408.
In total, the film’s advance booking across all formats has brought in Rs 1.54 crore, with 64,730 tickets sold across 9,073 shows.
Sky Force is based on the untold story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike, showcasing the events of the 1965 India-Pakistan War.
Veer Pahariya makes his acting debut as IAF officer T Vijaya, who goes missing in action during the war, while Akshay Kumar plays his fellow officer, KO Ahuja, who embarks on a mission to find him.
The film also features Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan in important roles. Sky Force is directed by Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapur.