The title of the highly anticipated film SRI, starring Rajkummar Rao, has been changed to Srikanth-Aa Raha Hai Sabki Aankhein Kholne. The makers also announced the release date of the film. Rajkummar took to Instagram to share the film’s title and the release date with his fans, along with a caption that read, “A remarkable true story that will open your eyes!#Srikanth, earlier titled SRI, releasing on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, 10th May 2024.”
As soon as the title and the release date were announced, fans and people associated with the film industry flooded the comment section with reactions and wishes. Adarsh Gourav wrote, “Waiting for this eagerly bhai.” Sikandar Kher commented, “All the best brother.”
Earlier titled SRI, the film takes audiences through the exciting and inspiring journey of Srikanth Bolla. Directed by Tushar Hiranandani, the film features a stellar cast including Rajkummar Rao, Jyothika , Alaya F and Sharad Kelkar.
The story of SRI revolves around the inspiring journey of industrialist Srikanth Bholla, who did not let his visual impairment come in his way of finding Bollant Industries. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Nidhi Parmar Hiranandani.
The film releases nationwide on May 10, 2024. Meanwhile, Rajkummar will also be seen in the sports drama Mr and Mrs Mahi, opposite Janhvi Kapoor. The film is directed by Sharan Sharma, who made his directorial debut with Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl.