Priyanka Chopra, who kickstarted her acting journey with the Tamil film Thamizhan, celebrated the 22nd anniversary of its release on Friday (April 12). She shared an unseen snapshot on her Instagram stories. This movie, released in 2002, featured her alongside Vijay. In the throwback picture, she can be seen sharing the stage with Vijay, composer D Imman, and others. Alongside the image, she wrote, “22 years of Thamizhan.”
In an earlier interview with Vanity Fair, Priyanka reminisced about her experience working alongside Vijay and said, “I remember Tamizhan, which was really difficult for me as I did not know Tamil as a language. I was learning it phonetically, memorising it, understanding the meaning behind it, and then saying my lines. But, I loved watching my co-actor Vijay – he was one of the first few influences in my life. He had tremendous humility on set. Once he comes onto the set, he never leaves the set.”
For the unversed, Thamizhan marked Priyanka Chopra’s acting debut after clinching the Miss World title in 2000. Following this, she stepped into Bollywood with Andaaz in 2003, starring Akshay Kumar and Lara Dutta.
Currently, Priyanka is busy shooting her upcoming film Heads of State in France. Recently, she shared some endearing moments with her daughter, Malti Marie. The pictures featured Malti Marie capturing Priyanka with her toy camera, relishing French delicacies, and exploring the city streets. Additionally, the mother-daughter duo was spotted indulging in playful activities at the park.
Priyanka Chopra also provided glimpses into her shoot life and the breathtaking locales where she’s currently filming.