Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s wedding festivities keep making headlines. Days after their wedding, Naga Chaitanya revealed he often asks Sobhita to talk to him in Telugu in an interview with The New York Times. Naga Chaitanya’s mother tongue is Telugu, though he was brought up in Chennai. So he speaks Tamil with ease and he wants to improve on his Telugu. He told the publication, “In our industry we meet a variety of people from different languages. Just hearing that same texture [Telugu] and having that same warmth when you speak to someone- I think it just drew me closer so much faster. I keep telling her to keep talking to me in Telugu so I can improve.”
He went on, “With actors, sometimes we are trying to put something out there about our films or something about a product- most of it is staged in a way. So when something pops up that’s very organic and real about a person, I immediately gravitate to that kind of content.”
Ahead of their wedding, Naga Chaitanya talked about how he first met Sobhita in Mumbai during a work event in an interview with Zoom. “I was in Mumbai for the launch of my OTT show, during that time, she did have a show with the same platform as well. We first interacted at the event hosted by the OTT platform,” the actor said.
Asked about how their families get along, Nagarjuna’s son told Zoom, “It’s been lovely getting to know Sobhita and her family the past few months, watching the families interact has been a joy.”
On December 4, Nagarjuna shared first official pictures from Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s wedding. Sharing the pictures on X (formerly Twitter), Nagarjuna wrote, “Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita–you’ve already brought so much happiness into our lives.”
He added, “This celebration holds even deeper meaning as it unfolds under the blessings of ANR garu’s statue, installed to mark his centenary year. It feels as though his love and guidance are present with us at every step of this journey. I thank the countless blessings showered upon us today with gratitude.” Take a look:
Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. ?? Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita—you’ve already brought so much happiness into our lives. ?
This celebration holds…
— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) December 4, 2024
Naga Chaitanya was earlier married to Samantha Ruth Prabhu.