Manushi Chhillar, who recently starred alongside Akshay Kumar in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, was asked about her take on acting opposite Akshay Kumar, who is nearly 30 years older than her. For the unversed, Manushi Chhillar, 26, made her Bollywood debut in Chandraprakash Dwivedi’s Samrat Prithviraj opposite Akshay Kumar. In a recent interview with Zoom, Manushi Chhillar broke her silence on the age gap debate, asserting that she doesn’t mind being cast opposite older superstars like Akshay. She said, “Working with a superstar is good. You get a certain amount of visibility. If I talk about my first film, there was an age gap. They wanted to play the whole thing. In this film, there was no pairing. We did songs for marketing. There had to be a way to put two people together for the songs, but that’s pretty much it, which is fine. I don’t see it as something that was atrocious or something that shouldn’t have been there. It wasn’t like a love story anyway.”
Manushi Chhillar also talked about wanting to work with younger heroes. “I hope I get to romance younger heroes as well and vice-versa also it happens,” she added.
In the same interview, when the actress was quizzed about being approached for a role in Animal. She said, “I wasn’t approached for the movie.” However, she disclosed her favourite character from the film. “Rashmika Mandanna’s role truly resonated with me,” the actress shared.
Manushi Chhillar also worked in Vijay Krishna Acharya’s The Great Indian Family. She acted alongside Vicky Kaushal in the social comedy-drama.