New photos from the sets of Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana have been circulating on the Internet and they are trending a great deal. The film features Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi as Sita and Yash as Ravana. Speaking of the pictures that are trending on social media, they feature Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram and Sai Pallavi as Sita. The pictures have been posted on X by several fan pages dedicated to both the actors and they are going crazy viral. Check out the viral photos from the film’s shoot here:
Finally Ramayana #Ranbir & #SaiPallavi as #Ram & #Sita for #Ramayana@Sai_Pallavi92
— (@saipallavi_CF) April 27, 2024
Leaks from the sets of ‘#Ramayana: Part One’..!!!#RanbirKapoor just looks so PERFECT as Lord Rama , so dies #SaiPallavi as Sita… Hats off to #NiteshTiwari‘s casting #Bahubali2 Worldwide collection records definitely in danger now..!!
— Filmy Explorer (@filmyexplorer) April 27, 2024
A few weeks ago, Ranbir Kapoor’s pictures from the film’s preparatory session went viral on the Internet. The pictures feature the actor posing with his archery coach.
RK with archery coach #recentclicks
— Ranbir Kapoor (@Khushali_rk) March 25, 2024
Meanwhile, Arun Govil, who also stars in the film, in a recent interview, shared his thoughts about Ranbir Kapoor’s upcoming portrayal of Lord Ram in the film. Talking to Bollywood Spy, Arun Govil said, “As far as Ranbir is concerned, he is a good actor. He is an award-winning actor. Jitna janta hu mai unke baare mein, bahut mehnat se kaam karte hai vo. Bahut sanskaari bache hai vo basically. Unke andar morals, sanskar, sanskriti hai, maine dekha hai kai baar unko [From what I know about him, he works very hard. He is basically a very cultured kid. He possesses morals, values, and a deep sense of tradition. I have observed this on multiple occasions. I am very sure about it that he will try to do his level best. It should come out well).”