A woman living alone in an apartment in Bengaluru has gone viral online after highlighting the perks of living by herself. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Udita Pal, a 28-year-old co-founder of a fintech firm, shared pictures of her properly maintained house. In the caption of her post, she said that her house has looked the same for days. “Five months of solo living and the greatest perk is that if you don’t mess up your house, nobody does,” she wrote.
Take a look at the post below:
Perks of living alone? My house has looked like this since Friday morning. Five months of solo living and the greatest perk is that if you don’t mess up your house, nobody does 🏡❤️ pic.twitter.com/uzGrQyidlG
— Udita Pal 🧂 (@i_Udita) May 26, 2024
Ms Pal’s post took the internet by storm as it resonated with thousands of X users. However, some users also found her apartment “messy”. So, in the following post, Ms Pal, who is also a Forbes 30 Under 30-Asia-Finance & Venture Capital alumnus, shared pictures of 3 bedrooms and explained that she is a “severe hoarder”. “It’s hard to place so many things without spending a bit on organising shelves. Drop your suggestions to fix,” she wrote.
The entrepreneur also shared that she became a homeowner two years ago and has been living in this house for four years. “For seven years, three men lived in three different bedrooms, making their mark on this place. I have so many things from my travels and gifts from friends.”
“You’ll see lots of soft toys from around the globe, each with its own story, and Barbies from movies. My collection of figurines from favorite games, movies, and superheroes is always growing. Finding the perfect place for everything is a challenge, and organizing shelves is expensive. Keeping them locked away feels unfair to the stories they tell. Once I sort it all out, I’ll share more!” she said.
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Meanwhile, in the comments section, one user wrote, “Honestly love the design done with the lights and aesthetic. I hoard things too so I feel ya when it gets hard to store stuff! Honestly it’s refreshing to see this.”
“People saying that it looks messy cluttered or unorganised. Imo this right here, every corner, every single thing has a story behind it. I would be proud too, to put all of my stuff on display and be reminded of every little memory thats attached w things,” said another.
“I think the slight “imperfections” make it look like a home and not some generic “Fully Furnished Home 2bhk (No Lift)”. Nice place Udita!” commented a third.
“oh i love your home so much! i hope it is filled with love and joy always! also, that cyanide & happiness poster (tapestry?) is amazing,” added another.