A former aide of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Bibhav Kumar, accused of assaulting Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal, was granted bail on Monday by the Supreme Court. The top court added that Mr Kumar not be reinstated as personal assistant or given any official assignment in the Chief Minister’s office.
The court ordered that the accused shall not enter the Chief Minister’s residence till all witnesses are examined and refrain from commenting on the case.
The bail of Mr Kumar, who was arrested on May 18, comes after 100 days.
Earlier, Swati Maliwal hit out at the AAP, alleging that an attempt was made to portray her as a “villain” and Chief Minister’s close aide as a “hero” after she made assault allegations against him.
The 39-year-old Ms Maliwal alleged victim-shaming by the party, adding that her character was “maligned” and she was left “alone in the entire battle.”
The MP filed a complaint with the Delhi police against Bibhav Kumar on May 14, a day after the alleged assault took place at the Chief Minister’s residence. A day later, Bibhav Kumar lodged a counter-complaint with the police, accusing Ms Maliwal of gaining ‘unauthorised entry’ into the CM’s Civil Lines residence and ‘verbally abusing’ him.