Amitabh Bachchan‘s latest Instagram post demands your immediate attention. He has shared a happy picture alongside another megastar, Rajinikanth. The veteran actors are set to share the screen space after 33 years in the upcoming film Thalaivar 170 also known as Vettaiyan. Previously, they collaborated on films such as Hum, Andhaa Kaanoon, and Geraftaar. Coming back to the post, the image features Big B and Rajinikanth sharing a warm hug. In his caption, Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “I am honoured and privileged to be with the Thala the Great Rajinikanth again…He hasn’t changed at all…The same simple humble down-to-earth friend despite his stratospheric greatness ”
Amitabh Bachchan shared more snapshots with Rajinikanth on his Tumblr blog. In addition to the Instagram post, there were two more images—a black and white frame showing the duo standing side by side, and another capturing them seated at a table. The side note read, “Early again .. a short break at work .. and the drive as beautiful and calming as ever .. the Sea Link at 9:08 and Marine Drive 9:28 .. and straight on set on time .. the coastal, the Tunnel and there we are .. and as you drive you pass by the final constructs of the Coastal .. never believed earlier to happen but happening now .. with a speed that brings joy…But the greater joy in being in the company of the Great Rajinikanth at work…No change in him at all .. the same humble, simple, down-to-earth dynamic star .. what a privilege and honour ..”
In October last year, Lyca Productions, the production house behind Vettaiyan, shared a behind-the-scenes image of Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth from the film’s sets. The snap was shared on X (formerly known as Twitter) with the caption, “When Superstar and Shahenshah met on the sets of Thalaivar 170. Reunion on screens after 33 years. Thalaivar 170 is gonna be a double dose of legends! Rajinikanth…Amitabh Bachchan…Done with Mumbai schedule.”
When Superstar and Shahenshah met on the sets of #Thalaivar170 ????
Reunion on screens after 33 years! ???? #Thalaivar170 is gonna be double dose of legends! ???? @rajinikanth @SrBachchan
Done with MUMBAI Schedule ????????️✨@tjgnan @LycaProductions #Subaskaran @gkmtamilkumaran…
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) October 29, 2023
Before that Rajinikanth shared a picture on X to announce his collaboration with Amitabh Bachchan.
Check it out:
After 33 years, I am working again with my mentor, the phenomenon, Shri Amitabh Bachchan in the upcoming Lyca’s “Thalaivar 170” directed by T.J Gnanavel. My heart is thumping with joy!@SrBachchan @LycaProductions @tjgnan#Thalaivar170
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) October 25, 2023
Vettaiyan has been directed by TJ Gnanavel.