Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar wrapped up shooting for his upcoming film Good Bad Ugly. The actor will be seen in a clean-shaven look in the film, intriguing fans’ curiosity. On Sunday, director Adhik Ravichandran shared photos and videos from the final day of shooting. In the first click, Ajith can be seen talking. In the second click, he’s all smiles. Dressed in his casual best, Ajith’s clean shaven look made the Internet talk. A fan wrote, “Vintage Thala is back.” Another fan wrote, “Seriously can’t believe this Transformation.” Another fan wrote, “Vintage AK is Back.” Sharing the pictures, director Adhik wrote, “Thank you #Ajith sir for Giving me this lifetime opportunity , DREAM FULL-FILLED . Love you so much sir. Last day shoot for sir. whata beautiful journey #GoodBadUgly.” Take a look:
Coming back to Good Bad Ugly, the Adhik Ravichandran directorial is making all the right noises. Good Bad Ugly is slated to hit the theatres next year. A few days back, Adhik Ravichandran dropped Ajith Kumar’s first look from Good Bad Ugly. The text along with the pictures read, “I’m working with the most versatile…performer ever, who can deliver Good Bad Ugly at the same time…Magic of life is, sticking my Star’s poster in my cupboard and placing banners in theatres. And now presenting this first-look poster not only as a fanboy but also as a fanboy director. Thank you Universe & Kadavule Ajith sir.” Take a look:
I’m working with the most versatile ⭐️performer ever, who can deliver Good Bad Ugly at the same time❤️??Magic of life is, sticking my Star’s poster in my cupboard and placing banners in theatres. And now presenting this first look poster not only as a fan boy, but also as a fan… pic.twitter.com/hIXde5CrcR
— Adhik Ravichandran (@Adhikravi) May 19, 2024
Ajith Kumar boasts of an illustrious career. He worked in films like Aval Varuvala, Anantha Poongatre, Kadhal Kottai, Nesam, Ullaasam, Pagaivan.