Ahead of the teaser release of Pushpa 2, the makers have been notching the excitement level high. On Friday, Allu Arjun AKA Pushpa Raj, shared a new poster on his Instagram feed. The poster features an intriguing look of Allu Arjun. Smeared with vermillion, Allu Arjun can be seen blowing a conch in one hand while he holds a trishul (trident) in another. Sharing the poster, Allu Arjun wrote, “#Pushpa2TheRuleTeaser On April 8th!!” Fans, who are eagerly waiting for the teaser, showered love on the post. A user wrote, “Birthday blassstttt.” Another user wrote, “Omg Can’t wait.” Another comment read, “Ramp poster.” For context, Allu Arjun’s birthday will coincide with Pushpa 2 teaser release. Take a look:
Just a day ago, Allu Arjun shared another brand new poster. It features a leg on which a ghungroo is tied. Sharing the poster, Allu Arjun wrote, “#Pushpa2TheRuleTeaser On April 8th!!” Take a look:
The first look of Pushpa 2: The Rule was shared on social media last year.
The makers of Pushpa shared a stunning picture of Rashmika AKA Srivalli today which marks her birthday. Clad in a green saree and jewellery, Rashmika’s eyes do the talking in the picture. Sharing the picture, the makers wrote in the caption, “Wishing the nation’s heartthrob ‘Srivalli’ aka Rashmika Mandanna a very Happy Birthday. #Pushpa2TheRuleTeaser on April 8th #PushpaMassJaathara. #Pushpa2TheRule Grand Release Worldwide on 15th AUG 2024.” Take a look:
Wishing the ??????’? ?????????? ‘Srivalli’ aka @iamRashmika a very Happy Birthday ??#Pushpa2TheRuleTeaser on April 8th ?#PushpaMassJaathara ?#Pushpa2TheRule Grand Release Worldwide on 15th AUG 2024.
Icon Star @alluarjun @aryasukku #FahadhFaasil… pic.twitter.com/AnsbEXZqJT
— Pushpa (@PushpaMovie) April 5, 2024
Pushpa: The Rise is a 2021 Telugu-language action drama film written and directed by Sukumar. The film featured Allu Arjun, Fahadh Faasil, Rashmika Mandanna, Jagadeesh Prathap Bandari, Sunil, Raj Tirandasu. The film emerged as one of the biggest blockbusters in Telugu as well as in Hindi. Allu Arjun won the Best Actor award for his performance in the film at the 69th National Film Awards last year.