Shah Rukh Khan and AbRam Khan never fail to give father-son goals. Be it cheering for SRK’s co-owned franchise Kolkata Knight Riders at the ongoing Indian Premier League or greeting the crowd at Edens Gardens, the two are just adorable. Agree? Now, a heartwarming video featuring SRK and AbRam has surfaced online. In the clip, which was shared by a fan page on X (formerly known as Twitter), the two are having a superb time in the stands. The video is from Monday, April 29, when KKR hosted Rishab Pant’s Delhi Capitals. Kolkata Knight Riders-led by Shreyas Iyer won the the game by 7 wickets.  The text read, “A heartwarming father-son moment between Shah Rukh Khan & AbRam during the KKR vs DC match!”

Take a look at the video below:

After Kolkata Knight Riders’ victory in this match, Shah Rukh Khan and AbRam Khan joined the team in their celebration, which coincided with KKR player Andre Russell’s birthday. 

Before that, Shah Rukh Khan and AbRam Khan were spotted at the net practice session of Kolkata Knight Riders. In a clip, SRK is seen teaching AbRam how to catch a ball. Did we just hear”awww”?

Wait, there is more. We have a video of AbRam Khan bowling to Kolkata Knight Riders’ star player Rinku Singh.

On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan last appeared in Dunki. The film, released in December last year, marked King Khan’s first project with Rajkumar Hirani. Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani, and Vicky Kaushal also played significant roles in the movie. Dunki is now available for streaming on Netflix.

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